Mick Lunzer
Bringing the art of performing to your business.
Entertainer Speaker Innovator Coach
Fire of Innovation
Are you looking for a new way to grow and expand your organization?
Learn simple tools that you can use to give you fresh new ways of:
Increasing sales
Creating new products
Serving your customers
Developing more efficient ways of doing business
Creating effective new ways of running your organization
Mick Lunzer was featured in the book 'Cats: The Nine Lives of Innovation'. Here he is with the author, Dr. Steve Lundin, talking about one of the ideas in the book "How Fascinating".

Fusion - Inversion - Revolution - Exploration
These are the tools to light the fire of innovation in your organization.
Learn how you can apply them to your business and your life.
Mick is an innovator across multiple fields in the performing arts, including juggling, knife throwing, diabolos, and yo-yos. He brings the tools he uses to create new routines, stunts and innovations in the performing world to the world of business. See the principles in action as Mick demonstrates them using juggling, yo-yos and some other surprises as well
Yo Yo Innovation Videos
Mick Lunzer talks about innovation off the string for a project with Ontend Creative Partners.
Mick Lunzer, the creator of The Buddha's Revenge yo-yo trick demonstrates the original trick and variations of the trick with different string mounts.
Mick Lunzer explains the axis yo-yo tricks he uncovered back in the early years of ball bearing yo-yos. Video includes explanations, demonstrations and applications of axis yo-yo tricks.